ANNOUNCING!Murder at the Art Council FundraiserYou have been invited to attend the dinner and silent auction of the South Lake Art Council. There are over forty guests at this event including these people : Dwayne Brown and Shannon Wallace (lovers of all things South Lake), Salvador Ramirez (police detective and supporter of the arts), the auctioneer David Getwell, a lady in a Dolce & Gabbana gown, the waiter Stan Blythe, the chef Melissa Peabody, the Arts Council president Mr. Austin Moon, and the Arts Council treasurer, Jane Getwell (she's the auctioneer's wife) YOU and over a lot of friends of ours (mostly writers, but everyone loves the arts!).
Go over to the long table at the back of the room and check out the art from Tom Johnson's private collection. This is what will be auctioned off for the fundraiser: vases, sculptures and paintings. Don't be long away from your seat though, they will be serving the first course soon!
Please email Kim Smith on for your next clue....
(This even has been verified as safe, free and R13.)